Windows to Linux blurb
Cue a Windows 10 upgrade. Add some random hard drive failure. A bit of frustration mixed with a mild resentment towards some of the new Windows features. Like restarts without permisson . All ended with an interest in replacing Windows with Linux . Popped in a refurbished drive with less capacity than the previous. Installed Ubuntu 16.04 minimal via USB. Then loaded up Gnome as the desktop. First impressions. Very nice presentation. Quickly ran through some “ first step ” guidelines and started up a number of applications to get a feel for the environment. F or this average user: D ocument editing ( Libreoffice ) , e mail management ( Evolution ) , g raphic design ( Gimp , Krita , Inkscape ) and v ideo editing tools ( Lightworks , Opensho t ) work very wel l . The Gnome Nautilus file explorer felt a bit weird and would take some getting used to. Also noticed that the machine ran noticeably quiet during testing. A refreshing change. Immediate problems . No black...