Convert an original IPad into a Kodi media device. Poorly written ramble.
A friend brought one of them original Apple IPads over. His issue is a common one. "What the fuck do I do with this thing?" This IPad looked brand new, barely used. Locked at IOS version 5.1.1. Here's is what I learned: Very few useful IOS apps left to download for this device. The App Store experience is terrible. Apple no longer provides updates. Owners are left to form their own support communities and tools. Out of morbid curiosity. I did some reading. Pwnership. Apple goes to great lengths to protect Apple products from it's owners. One reason this guy would never invest in Apple products (again) , recommend Apple products to anyone, allow anyone to recommend Apple products to this guy. - this guy 😉 First thing that needs to be done is take ownership. This thing is old, pretty sure the warranty is null and fuck Apple restrictions anyway! Found success with the following applications. RedSn0w ITunes 64bit version 12.0.1 ITunes ...