"What the fuck do I do with this thing?"
This IPad looked brand new, barely used. Locked at IOS version 5.1.1. Here's is what I learned:
- Very few useful IOS apps left to download for this device.
- The App Store experience is terrible.
Apple no longer provides updates. Owners are left to form their own support communities and tools.
Out of morbid curiosity. I did some reading.
Apple goes to great lengths to protect Apple products from it's owners. One reason this guy would never invest in Apple products (again) , recommend Apple products to anyone, allow anyone to recommend Apple products to this guy.
- this guy 😉First thing that needs to be done is take ownership. This thing is old, pretty sure the warranty is null and fuck Apple restrictions anyway!
Found success with the following applications.
ITunes 64bit version 12.0.1
ITunes version is important as later releases will cripple RedSn0w's abilities.
If the latest iTunes version is already installed. It may need to be uninstalled along with it's related components. There are instructions to help with this process.
Assuming the appropriate iTunes version is installed along with IPad detection and setup. RedSn0w can then be executed..
The RedSn0w alternate option "jailbreak -> backup and restore" was selected. The primary DFU option was not tested. Also didn't feel like holding down buttons.
If successful a "jailbroken" IPad should reload sporting a brand new application icon called Cydia on a new screen.
If not. Confirm correct RedSn0w to ITunes compatbility
Additional Tools
Run the Cydia application, follow the instructions. An update will be in order. Recommend doing the complete update.
Cydia offers a lot of options that can improve the Ipad experience. Here we will focus on:
- OpenSSh. Tool will allow the user a Debian like access to the IPad file system over the network.
- Mobile Terminal (optional). This tool will allow the user direct access to the files system via a native terminal window.
The built in Cydia search tool helps a lot.
Kodi mediacenter.
Kodi in the appstore is new but locked at a later IOS version. No download for you.
One solution is to directly download the latest Kodi DEB package for IOS devices and install via command line.
Now, downloading with Safari failed miserably.😡
- Safari cannot download without added extensions (These extension can be found in Cydia).
- Safari cannot properly render the webpage for viewing.
Solution is to download that file to a PC, then copy that file to the iPad file-system via SSH or SCP.
After which the following command can then be used to install Kodi.
dpkg -i kodi-packagename.deb
...replacing kodi-packagename.deb with the correct filename.
After a moment. A Kodi icon should be available on the IPad screen.
Kodi setup
One important detail is the lack of Hardware Acceleration for the IPad . Kodi defaults to requiring Hardware Acceleration, as a result video playback will fail. To resolve this problem, Hardware Acceleration will need to be disabled in Kodi settings.Fun/Profit
Installing Kodi converted this IPad device into a much better media device. Additional Kodi Programs, Music and Video Apps can be installed to further expand Kodi's capabilities.
Cydia also offers access to an assortment of games, emulators, themes and utilities that further extends IPads abilities.
All worth exploring.
My friend is happy with his new toy. An abandoned device finds new purpose. I learned something. Call this a win.😎
My friend is happy with his new toy. An abandoned device finds new purpose. I learned something. Call this a win.😎