wavformgen.php :: A simple php wrapper for sox, wav2png, wav2json

A mp3 player without a waveform display is kinda dull.

So, how do we get them for free? There are a number of online tools such as the DJ Audio suite.


We can just "roll our own".

wav2png and wav2json offers us a nice linux based command line solution.

wavformgen.php is a simple wrapper around that solution.


php wavformgen.php 'song.mp3' 'foreground color', 'background color'

php wavformgen.php 'path/to/directory/' 'foreground color', 'background color'
See example mp3 wavform results here

Assuming you have a linux server on hand (I used ubuntu).

1) git wave2png and wav2json (script currently renders both output.). Instructions are included
2) Ensure sox and php are installed on the same server.
3) Run script.
7) Profit.

That is all. Fork and enjoy.

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